Bike Fit
Get your bike with Retül Fit Services
Retül Fit is more than just a bike fit—it's a way to learn about your body, the root cause of your aches & pains, and how a proper will help you achieve your goals
Retail Fit is the most advanced bicycle fitting system available today. The system incorporates an amazingly precise three-dimensional motion capture technology, immediate report capability, and millimeter-specific digitizing tool to provide the most accurate dynamic fitting solution in the industry.
Custom insoles
Work with your Retül specialist at Trailhead Bicycles to get the perfect custom insole made and ride away happy.
What's Your Riding Style?
How does your riding style relate to proper fit? Let’s say you want to cruise the bike paths on a bike that lets you sit upright where you get a good view of the scenery. That calls for a different frame size, bike type and fit approach than, say, a time-trial racer who needs to be positioned for optimum aerodynamics and speed.
Better Bike Parts Can Be Adjusted
Beyond frame size, other components of a bike also contribute greatly to a good fit. Take seats, for instance. What's the best height for your bike seat? How far forward or back of center is your correct seat position? The tilt of the seat is also adjustable. Other factors to know more about include: stem length and height; crankarm length; and, what width and shape of handlebars work best for you.
No Matter Where You Bought Your Bike, Great Fit Starts Here
We love helping our customers get the right fit. And if you didn’t buy your bike from us, worry not. Just bring your bike in for a complimentary review of the fit basics so you know what changes, if any, you might want to consider. We look forward to seeing you.